Meet the ORRC members who volunteer to organize different aspects of ORRC events, publicity, services, and member programs (like the 1200 Club and Member Challenges). You’re welcome to get in touch with any of them. We are always looking for new helpers, too. Even if someone is already holding a role, it’s likely they would welcome additional hands or be seeking a successor. We’d love to know if you’re interested in helping in any way.
Questions? Contact us at or see below individual races for event- or program-specific email addresses.
Member Events and Programs:
- Member Challenges (5K, 10K, 10 Mile+) – Mark Takizawa, Adnan Muranovic,
- 1200 Club – Julia Reisinger,
- Awards Banquet Coordinator – Valerie Pratt,
- Member/Volunteer Picnic Coordinator – Julia Reisinger, Tracy Reisinger,
- Membership Coordinator – Carrie Fleisher,
Community and Educational Programs:
- Monday Night Workouts – Hal Brockman,
- Thursday Night Workouts – Kim Kovacs,
- Race Director Workshops – Julia Reisinger, Tracy Reisinger,
- Community Outreach Program – apply for community outreach grants at our Community Outreach page.
Communications and IT support:
- E-Newsletters – Julia Reisinger, Tracy Reisinger,
- Facebook / Instagram – Jesy Aman, Charissa Yang,
- RunSignup Coordinator – Julia Reisinger, Tracy Reisinger,
- Technology – Drew Fleisher,
- Web Content – Dave Barnes, Charissa Yang,
Physical Equipment and Logistics:
Volunteer Bios

Jesy Aman has been running since her father told her she had to join cross country in middle school. She loves the small community feel of the ORCC runs. If weather permits, her favorite running clothes are silly outfits to make the race a bit more fun.
Dave Barnes ran in high school and college. After a 20-year hiatus, he joined the ORRC Tuesday night training group and he’s been running ever since. Dave has volunteered at the the Banks-Vernonia Marathon and the Garlic run, and helps out with the ORRC website.
Hal Brockman‘s current passion is triathlons. But driving the equipment truck is where you will most likely find him now at many ORRC races. Hal is a long-time volunteer, and race director of multiple ORRC events, and served on the ORRC board for many years.
Carrie Fleisher has been walking and running since 2011 when she joined a Portland To Coast team. Carrie loves running/walking events, including half marathons, and the overall support and encouragement from the race participants.
Drew Fleisher hasn’t run more than twenty yards since high school. However after spending twenty years in the tech industry and the last twelve self-employed he was talked into helping as the Technology Coordinator by his amazing wife of 25 years who has promised he won’t have to run as part of this role.

Kim Kovacs started running in 2014 and has since competed in over 80 races, including 8 marathons and more than 60 half marathons. She participates in the Foot Traffic Thursday Night Run Club, which is co-sponsored by ORRC as their Thursday Group Run.

Adnan Muranovic Adnan started running in Chicago but ultimately found his stride on the trails of the PNW since moving to Portland 8 years ago. He enjoys local ultramarathons, mellow backcountry skiing, and hanging out with his 3 senior pups. His favorite part of racing is aid stations.

Valerie Pratt is a longtime ORRC member and former runner who now enjoys spending her leisure time walking, kayaking, yoga, gardening, serving on Tualatin City Council and most importantly, spending time with her three grandchildren.

Julia Reisinger ran/skied/snowshoed in high school, raced in college and beyond, and now runs/walks without needing to compete. She is the current 1200 Club Coordinator, and has served in many other roles over the years.

Tracy Reisinger has been running/walking since she was growing up in Alaska, and much prefers the milder climate of Oregon. She’s been in many ORRC roles, including past and current President, VP Races, and Director at Large.

Mark Takizawa has been running for 5 decades. He has competed in races from 50 meters to Ultras, and is now a true jogger/walker and back of the packer. His goal in running events is to finish before the balloon ladies. He is coming back to help with Champoeg after being the former race director for Champoeg back in 2013-2015.

Jeff Wehrman is a longtime ORRC member and volunteer known for being all-around friendly and supportive. He’s served as at At-Large Director, Tuesday Night Workout Coordinator, VP Races, and Secretary.

Charissa Yang first joined ORRC in 2017. She had such fun participating in the Dual Duel that she was inspired to promote ORRC. She was also excited to help support a running club that represents a welcoming community for walkers and runners of all abilities.