ORRC’s 1200 Club program, sponsored by Portland Running Company, is available for current club members to run or walk 1,200 miles in one calendar year (averaging about 100/month, or about 25/week). The purpose is meant to be a challenge and motivational tool running from January 1 through December 31.
Participants who complete 1200 miles in one calendar year (January through December) receive a jacket the first year, and patches to add to the jacket in subsequent years. You must be prepared to track your walking and running miles and report them to the club at the end of each month.
Since 2013, ORRC has had 776 runner and walker ORRC members register for the 1200 Club challenge, and 586 participants received jackets. Cumulative mileage from all participants through 2024 shows club members have circumnavigated the Earth 118 times and gone to the moon and back 9 times!
ORRC’s 1200 Club registration is open through September 30 of each year. Retroactive miles are allowed back to January of the reporting year for those registering in the year.
Monthly Submission and Mileage Totals
Report your monthly miles with the Monthly Mileage Submission Form by the 10th of the following month. Check out the clubs Mileage Totals for current and past years.
Click here for a handy mileage tracking form.
Reporting Rules:
- All monthly totals for the calendar year are due by the following January 10th of the next calendar year (e.g. all monthly miles for 2025 are due by January 10th of 2026.)
What Miles Count?
- Races and training miles
- Running and/ or Walking miles
And What Miles Don’t Count?
- Miles from another sport such as cycling, swimming, and ellipticals
- Running in a swimming pool
- “Steps” counted on a pedometer during the course of a day that are not part of a standard run or walk
Participants Achieving 1200 Miles Since Inception:
- Mark Barrett
- Patricia Byrne
- Brian Cooper
- Susan Cooper
- Christina Flaxel
- Tom Hansen
- Jim Hawley
- Eric Holstrom
- Eric Kelso
- Julia Reisinger
- Dana Stem
“Thank you for all you do to make this club so much fun and keeps people like me motivated to meet this goal.” Philip McGuigan
“When I was younger, I could run a lot more. Now, a lot of my exercise is walking, biking, and the gym. The 1200 club is an important incentive for me. Your help means a lot to me. Thanks!” Doug Marshall
“The simple act of placing mileage into the ORRC website has been keeping me motivated to get out and run, and hike to keep my mileage up.” Margie Palmrose
“I must say it motivates me to get out and run when I would rather sit and watch TV and eat a cookie.” Rob Rickard