In December 2024, members voted to elect members of the Board of Directors.
The Club President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary were duly elected by the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting of the Membership and Board of Directors Meeting on January 09, 2024.

Tracy Reisinger, President, president@
Tracy has been running/walking since she was growing up in Alaska, and much prefers the milder climate of Oregon. Previous ORRC Roles: VP Races, 2009-2011; President, 2011–2013; Director at Large, 2014.

Mark Barrett, VP Race Operations, raceoperations@
Mark has been running for 49 years and has directed almost 80 races since 1995, including almost every race ORRC has put on. He runs on trails and roads. He volunteers for Trail Keepers of Oregon, maintaining trails, and he also served as RRCA State Representative for 5 years, 2010–2014.

Debbie Hall, Treasurer, debbie-board@
Debbie started running 15 years ago when she and her family moved back to Oregon from overseas. She has served as treasurer for many school and non-profits in the area. Debbie loves running with friends, but also looks forward to solo runs in the Sister Wilderness area! She joined ORRC in 2014 and has been a member of the 1200 Club ever since.

Deb Brown, Secretary, debbrown-board@
Deb Brown loves spending time outside – hiking, running, nordic skiing, and gardening. She returned to running in her 40s with the goal of running a marathon, then expanded to trail and ultra events. She’s an RRCA-certified coach, a member of ORRC since 2014, and loves the 1200 Club. She has many years previous nonprofit board experience.
At-Large Members

Susan Cooper, susanc-board@
Susan has been running since high school. Never a competitive racer, for many years she ran recreationally in Fairbanks, Alaska. Now in Oregon, year-round running is more of an option. She has volunteered at ORRC races, and supports the idea of running being open to people of all abilities.

Carrie Fleisher, carrie-board@
Carrie is the ORRC Volunteer Coordinator and the co-race director for Ralph’s Run and Pumpkin Ridge Run. She has been walking and running since 2011 when she joined a Portland to Coast team. Carrie loves running/walking events, including half marathons, and the overall support and encouragement from the race participants.

Adnan Muranovic, adnan-board@
Adnan started running in Chicago but ultimately found his stride on the trails of the PNW since moving to Portland 8 years ago. He enjoys local ultramarathons, mellow backcountry skiing, and hanging out with his 3 senior pups. His favorite part of racing is aid stations.

Joel Phillips, joelp-board@
Joel enjoys spending time running the trails and roads around the Portland area. He’s been an active member of ORRC for the past five years. In joining the Board, he wants to help ensure that ORRC continues to provide reasonably priced, well organized, family friendly running events, and increase our community outreach.

Valerie Pratt, valerie-board@
Valerie is a former runner who now enjoys spending her leisure time walking, kayaking, yoga, gardening, serving on Tualatin City Council and most importantly, spending time with her three grandchildren. Former ORRC roles: Treasurer (2011-2015), Volunteer Coordinator (2009-2010), Finance Committee Chair, Champoeg Race Director, 10K Series Coordinator.

Julia Reisinger, 1200club@
Julia ran/skied/snowshoed in high school, raced in college and beyond, and now runs/walks without needing to compete. She is the current 1200 Club Coordinator, and was ORRC Secretary (2011-2013), VP of operations (2011-2013), and Director At Large, 2014.

Mark Takizawa, markt-board@
Mark has been running for 5 decades. He has competed in races from 50 meters to Ultras, and is now a true jogger/walker and back of the packer. His goal in running events is to finish before the balloon ladies. He is co-race director for Champoeg.
Governing Documents
- Mission, Values, Vision
- Strategic Plan – 2014
- ORRC Articles of Incorporation
- ORRC Tax Exempt Status
- ORRC ByLaws
Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Minutes for the Board of Directors
- History of the ORRC Board of Directors
- Board Members Handbook
- ORRC Equipment Rental Contract