Any ORRC member who completes a challenge during the calendar year (January through December) receives a prize.
You do not need to register for any of these challenges! They are free as a member benefit, and the Challenge Coordinator will keep track of all finishers and volunteers of ORRC events, and check to ensure they are members at the end of the last event.
Why is ORRC Offering These Challenges? These challenges encourage membership participation and volunteering at all of our events!

Member Challenge Options (Updated for 2025)

Volunteer Challenge
Volunteer for 4 eligible events in the calendar year and receive a slate coaster. We can’t do these events without you and this way you earn a prize and help us out at the same time!
Eligible Volunteer Challenge Events:
- Ralph’s Run 5K, 10K & 20.25K, January 4
- Hagg Mud 25K & 50K, February 15
- Champoeg 10K, 20K & 30K, March 22
- Vernonia Marathon, Half-Marathon & Marathon Relay, April 13
- Hagg Lake 5K, 10K & 10.5-Mile, May 10
- Dave’s Solstice Run at Blue Lake 5K, June 21
- Dual Duel 10-Mile Relay, July 22
- Pumpkin Ridge 5K, 10K & Half-Marathon, August 2
- Best Dam Run 10K & Half-Marathon, September 6
- Autumn Leaves 30K, 50K & 50-Mile, October 18
- Turkey Trot 5K, November 27
Participation Challenge
Participate in 4 timed events in the calendar year and receive a mug! (Please note: Turkey Trot is not included, as it is not a timed event).
Eligible Participation Challenge Events:
- Ralph’s Run 5K, 10K & 20.25K, January 4
- Hagg Mud 25K & 50K, February 15
- Champoeg 10K, 20K & 30K, March 22
- Vernonia Marathon, Half-Marathon & Marathon Relay, April 13
- Hagg Lake 5K, 10K & 10.5-Mile, May 10
- Dave’s Solstice Run at Blue Lake 5K, June 21
- Dual Duel 10-Mile Relay, July 22
- Pumpkin Ridge 5K, 10K & Half-Marathon, August 2
- Best Dam Run 10K & Half-Marathon, September 6
- Autumn Leaves 30K, 50K & 50-Mile, October 18
Participants can create their own challenge! Complete all 4 of ORRC’s 5Ks, or 4 of the 5 offered 10Ks, or build a “step-up” challenge where you start with a 5K and finish with a half-marathon or longer! Any four timed events will count (see above list; Turkey Trot is excluded).